Back 2 Roots is an educational Arts, Culture and Media based organisation. The ethos is to educate innovate and elevate the minds of young people and the wider community on heritage and history using arts theatre and visual media as a hands on tool to learning. We use unconventional approaches to learning, to engage young people through first hand experience. Back2 Roots travel globally to document history from past to present, focusing on positive impacts of different cultures and its impacts on todays society.

Back to Roots filmed project works have extended to places such as:

  • Egypt (Cairo, Luxur) “Love Never Loses It’s Way Home”
  • Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Shashamane, Arba Minch) “Ethiopian Pilgrimage”
  • Gambia (Banjol, Juffureh)
  • Mexico (Cancun, Villahermosa, La Venta)
  • Ghana (International Youth Program) “The Black Star, Door of Return”
  • Skin Deep Theatre Production 2012

Projects consists of working with young people in the UK around issues of identity, history and culture and the impacts it has on todays youth… The Back 2 Roots organisation’s aims and objectives, are to use personal experiences to highlight and promote positive self identity, multi-cultural education using arts and media to explore history, culture and health.

Initially as a self funded organisation Back 2 Roots was formed with the notion to explore the true history of African Civilisation and its connections to roots in the present day.

B2R provide inspiring, uplifting projects and events based on heritage, which ultimately have life changing effects on young people and acts to facilitate in bringing communities and cultures together. Through this there is a platform allowing young people to be heard from their perspective on issues, such as identity, culture and the everyday pressures of todays society.

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Achievements & Awards

MBC AWARD WINNERS Contribution to Education 2013